On Personal Finance

Disclaimer: I am speaking from the perspective of a recent graduate currently working full-time. I do not claim to be a financial expert, but I encourage you to follow me as I lay out my observations and logical reasoning in my own experiences with personal finance.

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On College and Growth

I have not written for quite some time, but as a means of self-improvement, I will begin to journal my activities on a regular basis in order to track my thoughts, expand on insights, accelerate my growth, and track my progress. The life of a post-graduate has the potential to be both rewarding and deleterious in regards to self-improvement. Even greater, I would argue, compared to the life of a college student. Everyone always marvels at the college experience and how it does wonders for your overall growth as an individual (it does), but rarely do we find people as excited about the potential of life post-graduation. Admittedly, there seems to be few redeeming aspects to being trapped in the dreaded repetitiveness of a 9-to-5 job or to being stuck in the limbo of waiting for responses from jobs or schools. However, during some self-reflection, I realized that it was in these seemingly stagnant times that I have grown the most. Here are some of the reasons why:

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