Running on Mac OSX Mavericks 10.9.3, I encountered a problem with the pandoc package in Sublime Text 3 in which I could not export markdown files into pdf format. Upon execution, Sublime Text 3 would return the following error:

pandoc: pdflatex not found. pdflatex required for output.

Because I already had the MacTeX distribution installed (which contains pdflatex), I figured that the error was the result of Sublime Text 3 not being able to locate the LaTeX engine.

To resolve this error, open the user settings for the pandoc package in Sublime Text 3 and insert the following code:

        "PDF": {
            "scope": {
                "text.html": "html",
                "text.html.markdown": "markdown"
            "pandoc-arguments": [
                "-t", "pdf",

When finished, save the user settings and exit Sublime Text 3. When you return, you should be able to export markdown files to pdf using pandoc.